华东大学 is committed to providing an environment where issues can be openly discussed and explored. 交换意见的自由对大学的使命至关重要. This policy is in place at ECU to provide a community environment in which open discussion can occur without disrupting the academic mission or daily University functions, 视宪法规定时间而定, place, and manner limitations and without unconstitutionally interfering with the rights of other members of the University community.


  1. 东中央大学社区的所有成员, 包括学生, faculty, 和工作人员, 是否被鼓励行使集会的权利, 言论自由, 以及整个校园的表达, 这样做不会影响学术使命或大学的日常职能. Expressive activities shall not be limited to any specific location on the University campus. However, the right of assembly and expression does not include unlawful activity that endangers the safety of the campus community or that destroys University property. Forums, rallies, 示威活动, and other similar expressive activities also are not to occur within academic or other University buildings including University residence halls and apartments. 表达性活动不应过度干扰交通, 车辆或行人, 或者违反其他时间, place, 以及本策略中指定的方式参数.
  2. All University community individuals and organizations wishing to participate in forums, rallies, 示威活动, 以及其他类似的有限的公共论坛活动 should make a request in advance to the Vice President for Student Development or his/her designee (580-559-5208). A request should contain the name of the requestor and how he/she can be contacted; the proposed date, time, and location for the contemplated activity; the expected size of the audience; the topic(s) or subject(s) to be addressed (optional); and any other information which may be necessary to accommodate the needs associated with the activity. 有关要求须于活动前最少一(1)个工作天提出.
  3. 商场区域, 从科学馆一直延伸到纪念学生会, 地点是否有利于论坛, rallies, 示威活动, 以及其他类似的有限的公共论坛活动. While members of the University community are not restricted to this particular area for expressive activities, any member of the University community may use the mall area without prior reservation on a first come, 先得制. Once a request is granted by the Vice President for Student Development or his/her designee, 商场面积可根据第S号条例草案预留. 科尔大学中心咨询台(580)559-5741/5742. 预定商场区域的组织或个人有优先权.
  4. Members of the University community also may reserve other locations on campus (excluding academic and other University buildings including residence halls and apartments, and once a request has been granted by the Vice President for Student Development or his/her designee) for expressive activities through the Bill S. 科尔大学中心咨询台或学术事务办公室. To ensure priority use and to avoid possible conflict with scheduled University activities, 需要预约. 不允许使用放大设备, except in exceptional circumstances and with prior approval from the Vice President of Student Development or his/her designee.


  1. 组织 or individuals not affiliated or connected with the University shall make a request to the Office of the Vice President for Student Development (Administration Building, 103房间, 580-559-5208) when the use of said facilities or area is for the purpose of expression. Once a request is approved by the Vice President for Student Development or his/her designee, 外部组织或个人将与Bill S联系. Cole University Center Information Desk at 580-559-5742 (non-academic facilities) or the Office of 学术 Affairs at 580-559-5203 (academic facilities) for the purpose of reserving any University facility or area. 此类请求应由适用的联邦法律管辖, state, 及大学政策, 程序, 以及其他相关规定.
  2. A request shall contain the name of the requestor and how he/she can be contacted; the proposed date, time, and location for the contemplated activity; the expected size of the audience; and any other information which may be deemed necessary to accommodate the needs associated with the activity. 有关要求须于活动前最少一(1)个工作天提出.


  1. 由于时间的关系,表达可能会受到限制或限制, place, or manner only as provided for in this policy statement and other related statements of policy such as the Code of Student Conduct, 教师手册, 及员工手册. Such limitations shall be narrowly tailored to serve a significant interest (such as avoiding disruption of regular classes, 避免在同一设施中同时安排两个活动, and the protection of the public order) and to assure compliance with applicable local, state, 以及联邦法律. 任何限制都必须是合理且内容中立的, the latter term meaning that the limitations shall be applied without regard to the content of the expression or the purpose of the assembly.
  2. Limitations may include requiring (a) scheduling and planning with the appropriate authorized designee, (b)限制或禁止使用某些地区, (c)在特定领域限制某些表达形式, (d)偿还大学使用设施的任何费用, area, 或中等.
  3. 接下来的时间, place, and manner parameters apply to expressive activities of members of the University community.
  • 该活动不违反当地法令或州或联邦法律.
  • 该活动不会过度干扰车辆或行人的交通.
  • 活动不会造成不合理的安全风险.
  • 不得污损或破坏大学财产.
  • Use of amplification equipment shall not be permitted except in exceptional circumstances and with prior approval from the Vice President of Student Development or his/her designee.
  • 在24小时内,任何网赌十大靠谱信誉平台的长度不得超过8小时.
  • The location will be left in its original condition at the conclusion of the event and reasonable charges or deposits may be imposed to enforce this requirement.
  • 淫秽的表达, 诽谤, 或由好斗的言辞组成, 身体伤害威胁, 煽动迫在眉睫的不法行为, 或者不受保护,因为不允许表达.


Employees of the University should be aware of and in compliance with RUSO policy 5.9关于员工的政治活动, 道德委员会有关使用公共资金的规定, property, time, 以及影响选举的人员, 以及俄克拉何马州法令26 O.S. 16-119 which prohibits campaigning in regard to any state question unless there is a specific authorization to support or oppose an initiative or referendum. 应当指出的是,违反RUSO政策5中概述的原则.可能被视为解雇的理由. 违反《菲律宾十大彩票平台》.S. 16-119 through the expenditure of public funds is a misdemeanor and cause for removal from office.
