
欢迎来到ECU的希腊生活!  在ECU,我们为我们的希腊社区感到自豪, which fosters the development of 领导 skills and enhances members’ personal lives.  As your son or daughter starts to settle in and develop 利益, 他或她将有很多选择的机会.  There are more than seventy student organizations registered with the Office of Campus involvement.  One option your son or daughter may find interesting is joining a fraternity or sorority.  As a parent, this decision deserves your input and careful consideration.

We hope that you will find this website a valuable tool in learning more about Greek life at ECU. We strongly support the Greek community and see it as a “learning lab of life,” giving students real-world experience that they can take with them into their professional careers. Being a member of a fraternity or sorority gives students opportunities to assume different 领导 roles, 从编程到资金管理.  他们不仅建立了持续一生的友谊, but also learn how to work with many diverse people toward a common goal - the growth and management of their chapter.

As you and your student discuss participation in a Greek organization, please feel free to contact the Office of Campus 参与 at any time with questions or concerns. 我们的电话是(580)559-5207.

What are the benefits to joining a sorority or a fraternity?
Sororities and fraternities have been serving 华东大学 campus since 1963. These organizations are rooted in founding principles that foster academic achievement, 领导, 社区服务, 以及一生的友谊. Greek organizations are groups of men and women who come together to form a personal network of individuals with similar ideals, 利益, and a mutual pursuit of a well-rounded college education. 优势包括:

  • A support group to help make the adjustment to college easier.
  • Scholastic resources to help students achieve their academic goals.
  • 通过实践经验获得的领导能力.
  • Encouragement to get involved and maximize potential on campus.
  • Opportunities for active participation in 社区服务 projects.
  • National research has shown that involvement in sororities and fraternities increases students' chances of graduating from college.
  • Membership in a sorority or fraternity is for a lifetime. Many alumni return to campus for football and other special events. Most chapters at ECU have newsletters and special weekends for alumni. These activities promote lifetime friendships that extend beyond individual chapters and include members of the national Greek community.

While the costs involved in being a member of a Greek chapter vary, it is important to know that each organization does collect dues and some have initiation costs as well. The dues go toward International fees, chapter operating expenses and social functions. Financial obligations differ for fraternities and sororities and among individual chapters. New members can expect to pay higher dues their first semester due to initiation fees.
Additional costs throughout the semester may go to pictures, gifts, social events, T-shirts, etc. Several chapters at ECU offer payment plans and scholarships for members who need financial assistance. While your son or daughter is participating in the membership intake/recruitment process, make sure that he or she asks about the financial obligations of membership.

How much time is involved with being a member of a Sorority or Fraternity?
每章的时间都不一样, but the first semester is the most time intensive because the new member goes through the chapter's new member education/membership intake program. Being involved in a Greek organization can be around the same time commitment as taking a 3 Credit hour class.
The time spent in this program will give your student the opportunity to develop his/her 领导 and time management skills, 了解组织的历史, 与新成员建立友谊, 以及本章的其余部分, and allow them to become involved with other organizations.

在开始之后,期望会有所不同. Each chapter has weekly chapter meetings and other mandatory events (philanthropic, 服务, 入会仪式)贯穿全年. 这些活动应该提前计划好.

全年, each chapter and council spends time fundraising and volunteering to help various 服务 projects and/or philanthropies (not-for-profit causes). The time spent together on philanthropic events is one of the many times that sorority and fraternity members will have to bond while making a difference.

The social activities within the ECU Greek community include intramurals, 慈善事业/服务网赌十大靠谱信誉平台, 同学会, 除了聚会和社交之外,还可以交换晚餐. The ECU Greek community enforces a proactive approach to managing social events.
Sororities and fraternities serve as a great resource for students academically. Every chapter at ECU is encouraged to have a faculty advisor and scholarship chair that assists members with study hours and academic incentives. Your student can also utilize the network of chapter members, 他们中的许多人已经知道如何访问校园资源. Most chapters require a high GPA for continued active membership in the organization.