
我真的需要把钱存在银行吗?  Well...你可以把它埋在后院,但这不是个好主意.  所以,你还有两个选择,银行和信用合作社. 


银行对. 信用合作社.

银行和信用合作社之间存在着微妙的差异.  It’s important to know what makes them different so that you can best decide which will be the most advantageous to you!  It is reassuring to know that both types of institutions will keep your money safe but one may offer better deals than the other...比较一下!



你几乎在俄克拉何马州的每个城镇都能找到银行.  Banks are owned and managed by a group of individuals that have joined together to form a bank.  These investors contribute operating money to fund the day-to-day activities and as with most investments, 这些业主将从管理良好的企业中获利.  Banks can be part of a nationwide chain that adheres to their established business practices while others can be owned and run by folks in your community.   A credit union in contrast is completely owned by its members and is a not-for-profit business.  To join a credit union you may have to be affiliated with a certain profession or employment group, 比如政府雇员, 军事人员, 或者就读附属学校或大学, etc.  然而,会员资格可能对你有用,所以检查一下要求.  完全由其成员拥有, 信用合作社的日常活动资金来自日常业务, 但利润会返还给会员/所有者.



只要能满足要求就能保持良好的财务状况, 任何人都可以在银行开户.  信用社传统上只接纳它们所服务的成员类型, 但许多项目对居住在特定地理区域的人开放. 



Banks historically offered more services than credit unions and usually have more locations to choose from, 但如今,这两家公司提供的产品和服务几乎相同 and most credit unions are accessible through a nationwide, cooperative network of branches and ATMs.  Credit unions are less profit driven (since they are member owned) and tend to offer higher interest rates on savings/checking accounts and lower interest rates on loans.  It is best to always consider both types as one may be offering special offers when opening an account or taking out a loan.  Compare! 



When it comes to safety, both choices insure an individual account up to $250,000.  This means that if a bank or credit union fails, you won’t lose any of your money up to the $250,000.  所以一般来说,账户里的钱不要超过25万美元.  If you do,  open another account at a different bank to keep your balances under the limit.  你想确保你有保险!  Banks are covered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) which is backed by the U.S. 政府.  Credit unions are insured through the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) which is also guaranteed by the U.S. 政府.  无论哪种方式...你的钱很安全!


银行和信用合作社-服务 & fees.



支票账户是用来消费的.  你把钱存入你的支票账户,并通过支票取款, 借记卡, ATM’s, Venmo, PayPal, 或者其他提款方式.  When choosing a checking account look for accounts that have no monthly fees, low or no overdraft (you spent money you don’t have) fees and convenient ATM’s around town.  This is typically where you would have your employment check automatically deposited.  The drawback to checking accounts is that they pay minimal interest on your balance, if any at all.  Savings accounts on the other hand typically have higher interest rates so this is where you want to park money that you want to grow!  There is a limit though to how many withdrawals you make a month from a savings account...所以尽量不要动用这笔钱!  在选择支票或储蓄账户时, shop around to find the best interest rates and the lowest fees that might be associated with the account.  To open a checking or savings account you will typically need to provide a valid, 政府颁发的带照片的身份证, 比如驾照, 还有个人信息,比如你的生日, 社会保险号, 还有一个电话号码.



A 借记卡, sometimes called a "check card", functions like a writing a check.  When you use your 借记卡, money is deducted from your checking account reducing your balance.  You can only use the 借记卡 as long as you have money in your account - it's just like using cash.  如果你丢了钱,钱就没了...but if you lose a 借记卡 contact the bank immediately and they will deactivate the old card, 删除所有欺诈活动,并给你一个新的.  Most financial institutions also now offer the ability to turn your card on or off via their digital banking platforms if you lose your card or notice fraudulent transactions.  A 借记卡 allows the user the to make purchases or utilize an ATM to withdraw money.  In contrast, an ATM card only lets you withdraw money from your account at an ATM machine.  借记卡不像信用卡那样有那么多防止欺诈的措施, 因此,在你开始使用信用卡之前,要了解信用卡的条款.  要知道, 比较一下信用卡和借记卡的区别.



银行和信用合作社提供各种各样的贷款产品,比如住房贷款, car, 房屋净值, 个人的,只是举几个例子. Borrowers with excellent credit will typically snag larger loans with the lowest interest rate.   Also, building a good relationship with your bank or credit union might come in handy when applying for a loan...所以保持你的账户信誉良好.  If you have a bad credit rating you may need a co-signer on your loan that will guarantee the loan will be paid.  Being responsible and paying all your bills and obligations on time will help to improve your credit score and in turn will make it easier to secure a loan for that dream home someday. 



如果你写的支票比你账户上的钱多, then you have just ‘bounced’ a check and will be charged an insufficient funds charge, 通常每张支票15到30美元!  You will also be charged this fee if you use your 借记卡 and don’t have funds in the bank to cover the purchase.  底线...不要花你没有的钱!  Those overdraft fees will add up so quickly so be aware of your account balance by checking it often to avoid making this mistake.  还记得我们刚刚讨论过与贵行建立良好关系吗?  Well...写“热门”支票不会让你成为他们最喜欢的客户. 


ATM fees.

城里到处都是自动取款机, but if you use one that is not owned by your bank or credit union it could cost you extra, 你的金融机构甚至可能在此基础上收取另一笔费用!  It’s best to read the fine print before you withdraw money from an ATM that isn’t managed by your financial institution.  最后,永远不要把你的信用卡和密码给别人...保护属于你的东西.



As a college student living in Ada you may want to open an account at a local bank for the sake of convenience.  你有很多选择!  要使用这个方便指南的交互式版本,请点击图片. 



本信息是与俄克拉何马州货币事务合作提供的, the financial education outreach initiative of the Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP),  俄克拉何马州高等教育委员会的一个运作部门.  欲了解更多关于OKMM的信息,请访问 或致电1-800-970-OKMM. 







