Degree checksheets are in PDF format and will open in a new browser window.  Select the appropriate checksheet beginning the year of continuous enrollment.

Secondary Education - 学术 Discipline - 0834

The graduate program for the Master of Education, Secondary Education- 学术 Discipline Option is designed to provide eighteen (18) hours of secondary content specialization to meet the demand for highly qualified teachers for secondary public schools and to provide content area graduate level courses for specialization for those who desire to teach at the junior college level. Special attention is given to the development of the student as a consumer of research along with an emphasis on specific content area of knowledge, 技能, 和态度.

      顾问:  Dr. 杰西卡·科赫
      地点:  B教育大厦204
      电话:  580.559.5166

      2016-2017    2017-2018    2018-2019    2019-2020    2020-2021    2021-2022

      *点击 在这里 to complete the Specialization Approval Form. (pdf)


学校咨询- 0843

The graduate program option for the school counselor is designed for the graduate student specializing in counseling at the elementary or secondary level and leads to the Master of Education Degree. Special attention is given to the development of the student as a consumer of research along with a major emphasis on the knowledge, 技能, 和态度 that are necessary to become a school counselor.

注意: For information on obtaining LPC, contact and work closely with your advisor.

      顾问:  Dr. Usha喷泉
      地点:  211 E教育大厦
      电话:  580.559.5577

      2016-2017    2017-2018    2018-2019    2019-2020    2020-2021    2021-2022    2022-2023


特殊教育- 0850(网上提供)

The graduate program option for the special education teacher is designed for the graduate student specializing in teaching students with mild/moderate disabilities in PreK-12th grade. This option leads to a Master of Education Degree. Special attention is given to the development, 学习评估, and collaboration in working with students with mild/moderated disabilities.

      顾问:  Ms. 詹妮弗Sparlin
      地点:  教育大楼215楼
      电话:  580.559.5543

      2016-2017    2017-2018    2018-2019    2019-2020    2020-2021    2021-2022


图书馆媒体- 0900  (网上)

The Masters of 图书馆媒体 is designed for graduate students planning to become a School 图书馆媒体 Specialist in grades PK-12 in public or private educational settings. The intent of the program is to prepare competent, certified School 图书馆媒体 Specialists in accordance with the state and national professional standards and guidelines. All areas of school librarianship, including technology, are emphasized. Special attention is given to the development of the student as a consumer of research along with a major emphasis on the knowledge, 技能 和态度 that are necessary to become a School 图书馆媒体 Specialist.

      顾问:  Dr. Shelli Sharber
      地点:  204 C教育大楼
      电话:  580.559.5240

      2016-2017    2017-2018    2018-2019    2019-2020    2020-2021    2021-2022


教育领导- 0980  (网上)

The graduate program option for 教育领导 is designed for the graduate student specializing in administration for grades K-12. Special attention is given to the knowledge, 技能 and dispositions necessary to become an effective school principal. 来完成这个选项, a student must hold and maintain a valid teaching certificate and must have completed two (2) years of successful public school teaching.

      顾问:  Dr. Gerald Mihelic Jr.
      地点:  215 H教育大楼
      电话:  580.559.5799

      2016-2017    2017-2018    2018-2019   2019- 2020    2020-2021    2021-2022


教学设计 & 科技- 1040 

The Master of Education in 教学设计 & 技术 is intended for the individual who desires to develop advanced knowledge and 技能 in the integration of technology to effectively support teaching and learning. This program offers a specific emphasis on designing, 实现, and evaluating 21st Century digital learning environments.

      顾问:  Dr. 马克。琼斯
      地点: 215b教育大楼
      电话: 580.559.5323

      2017-2018    2018-2019    2019-2020    2020-2021    2021-2022


体育管理- 1050  (网上)

The Master of Education in 体育总局 specialization is designed to prepare the professional educator for positions as Head Coach, 体育指导员, or other administrative positions responsible for directing athletic programs. The program is based on specialized courses in athletic administration.

      a - k顾问:  Dr. 杰森·普莱瑟
      地点:  运动机能学大楼111号
      电话:  580.559.5357

      L-Z顾问:  Dr. 尼古拉斯·斯托瓦斯
      地点:  运动机能学大楼118号
      电话:  580.559.5934

      2017-2018    2018-2019    2019-2020    2020-2021    2021-2022    2022-2023


学校心理测量- 1060

This degree focuses on the applied knowledge needed in the development and use of educational and testing 技能 for student assessment. The curriculum in designed to address the educational and psychological concerns associated with educational assessment of students with routine and special needs in the classroom.

      顾问:  Dr. 凯瑟琳ror
      地点:  21d教育大楼
      电话:  580.559.5676

      2018-2019    2019-2020    2020-2021    2021-2022


注意:  Pursuant to HB 2747 of 2010 amending HB 2915 of the 2002 Oklahoma Legislative Sessions, 修订70 O.S. 2001,第6-122条.3, 华东大学 affirms it has an Alternative Placement Certification candidate support program and is committed to implement to the program in support of an Alternative Certification candidate approved by the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE).

金融援助 Regulations for 研究生

学生, please be advised that the courses you choose to enroll in MUST be a required course or an elective course in your degree program. 金融援助 regulations dictate that any graduate student who is seeking financial aid must be enrolled in AT LEAST five (5) credit hours during the fall, 春天, or summer semester and the courses MUST be in the degree program.

*Certificate Programs do not qualify for financial aid.